This has to be by far one of the most inspirational Vlogs that I have ever seen. I have to say that if I were not already natural then this video would most definitely have persuaded me other wise. Thank you Treasure for making me a part of your inspirational Vlog! Keep it up and I wish you well on your journey to becoming natural:)!
I know for myself that at times I truly wanted to give up and go back to a perm. I will never forget the day I was actually two years into my process. I would see so many people with bone straight perms. I was torn in between oh I want my straight flowing hair back and oh no I love my natural hair. One day I finally got the courage I actually went to the beauty supply store purchased a perm. Once back at my mothers house. My mother mixed the perm up and as I sat there on the floor in between her legs and her in the chair she began to part my hair. As she continued to stir the perm she asked me one last time are you sure that this is something that you want to do. And as bad as it was that I wanted that perm I could not bring myself to say yes! Just like that the perm was in the trash. I am soooooo grateful to my mother for giving me those last words of advice but not advice. Had she not asked me that question then I would still be chemically processing my hair today! Thanks Moma for making me think twice:)!Nine years later I am extremely proud of myself for not giving up:D! Be strong and keep it up Treasure!
If you have ever wondered or if you were thinking about going natural then please please please follow Treasure on her natural journey. I say this becuase as a natural hair person myself its a learning process no one person has the same hair type and its up to you to find out what works best for you and your natural locks:)
Cheers! B.Rai~
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
2009 Mid Atlantic Actor/Model Career Expo Mid-Atlantic Region
The 2009 Mid Atlantic Actor/Model Career Expo Mid-Atlantic Region
will be held at the Crowne Plaza in Timonium, Maryland on Sunday,
October 4th from 12 to 5 p.m.
Covering the Mid-Atlantic States (PA, NJ, DE, MD, DC, & VA)
You don't want to miss this one of a kind Mid-Atlantic job fair:
Crowne Plaza Baltimore
www.crowneplaza. com
2004 Greenspring Drive
Timonium, MD 21093
Courtesy of Brian Dragonuk
I Have been Asked A lot of Questions About the Event and Why It
is Important to Attend.
They mostly Are:
I'm Union and Already working for Most of the Casting Director's that
will Be there - Should I come???
What is it that Makes this Different than other Events I see posted??
There is no work Why Go to your Event??
There really aren't Any Real answers because EACH of your Career
Goals are Different But we have Taken the Time to make our Event something that will Benefit Each and Every career out there.
Look at our Website www.macareerexpo. com It has all the Info you need
to make a decision -- And Attend the Event.
Look at the Casting Directors that will be there. You get to be face to face with the People in each office that Makes the Hiring Choices. Even if you have worked for them before - This is YOUR CHANCE to put YOUR FACE and HEADSHOT in front of them.
http://www.macareer Casting/casting. htm
Look At the Agencies that will Have Booths. This is your Chance to Contact them
OR Re-contact them
http://www.macareer Agencies/ agencies. htm
We have gone out of our Way to Find other Sources of Actor/Model Employment.
Places that kept Hiring and Paying Actors & Models Thru the Downturn.
This is Your Chance to Make Contact with them.
http://www.macareer Actor%20Employme nt/actor. htm
How Active Are you with The Resource Centers Covering our Region
These are people that Hold Networking Events so you can Find Work,
They Lobby for Changes in our Laws to Protect us, Create new Job Opportunities, Have Employment or Audition Lists, and Help you Advance your Careers in Many different ways. Her is your Changes To find out What they can Do to help you Grow and Prosper.
http://www.macareer Trade/Tradeorg. htm
While you are working Are you benefiting from the Tax Breaks,
Websites, Training you need to KEEP working
Do you need more Information so you can Keep Advancing
The Actor Services Companies that are Attending
http://www.macareer Actor%20Services /Actor_services. htm
The Authors Attending
http://www.macareer Authors/authors. htm
The Coaches & Instructors Attending
http://www.macareer Coaches/coaches. htm
The Headshot Photographers Attending
http://www.macareer Photographers/ photographers. htm
The Independent Filmmakers Attending
http://www.macareer Filmmakers/ filmmakers. htm
The Pageants Attending
http://www.macareer Pageants/ pageants. htm
The Speakers Giving you Information to Advance your Careers
http://www.macareer Pageants/ pageants. htm
This year's event will host more than 70 job resources for actors,
models and other industry titles. The resources include the top
regional casting directors, agencies, pageants, authors,
photographers, speakers, indie film companies, trade groups,
aesthetic companies and other employment agencies for actors,
like hospital simulators and period reenactments etc.
Bring your headshots/resumes and get a jump start on your
career with the top area professionals and also network with
your industry peers
The fee to attend is $20.00. (Cash Only No Checks or Credit Cards).
Pay at the door Only Arrive Early......Information Courtesy of Brian Drangonouk
Cheers! B.Rai~
will be held at the Crowne Plaza in Timonium, Maryland on Sunday,
October 4th from 12 to 5 p.m.
Covering the Mid-Atlantic States (PA, NJ, DE, MD, DC, & VA)
You don't want to miss this one of a kind Mid-Atlantic job fair:
Crowne Plaza Baltimore
www.crowneplaza. com
2004 Greenspring Drive
Timonium, MD 21093
Courtesy of Brian Dragonuk
I Have been Asked A lot of Questions About the Event and Why It
is Important to Attend.
They mostly Are:
I'm Union and Already working for Most of the Casting Director's that
will Be there - Should I come???
What is it that Makes this Different than other Events I see posted??
There is no work Why Go to your Event??
There really aren't Any Real answers because EACH of your Career
Goals are Different But we have Taken the Time to make our Event something that will Benefit Each and Every career out there.
Look at our Website www.macareerexpo. com It has all the Info you need
to make a decision -- And Attend the Event.
Look at the Casting Directors that will be there. You get to be face to face with the People in each office that Makes the Hiring Choices. Even if you have worked for them before - This is YOUR CHANCE to put YOUR FACE and HEADSHOT in front of them.
http://www.macareer Casting/casting. htm
Look At the Agencies that will Have Booths. This is your Chance to Contact them
OR Re-contact them
http://www.macareer Agencies/ agencies. htm
We have gone out of our Way to Find other Sources of Actor/Model Employment.
Places that kept Hiring and Paying Actors & Models Thru the Downturn.
This is Your Chance to Make Contact with them.
http://www.macareer Actor%20Employme nt/actor. htm
How Active Are you with The Resource Centers Covering our Region
These are people that Hold Networking Events so you can Find Work,
They Lobby for Changes in our Laws to Protect us, Create new Job Opportunities, Have Employment or Audition Lists, and Help you Advance your Careers in Many different ways. Her is your Changes To find out What they can Do to help you Grow and Prosper.
http://www.macareer Trade/Tradeorg. htm
While you are working Are you benefiting from the Tax Breaks,
Websites, Training you need to KEEP working
Do you need more Information so you can Keep Advancing
The Actor Services Companies that are Attending
http://www.macareer Actor%20Services /Actor_services. htm
The Authors Attending
http://www.macareer Authors/authors. htm
The Coaches & Instructors Attending
http://www.macareer Coaches/coaches. htm
The Headshot Photographers Attending
http://www.macareer Photographers/ photographers. htm
The Independent Filmmakers Attending
http://www.macareer Filmmakers/ filmmakers. htm
The Pageants Attending
http://www.macareer Pageants/ pageants. htm
The Speakers Giving you Information to Advance your Careers
http://www.macareer Pageants/ pageants. htm
This year's event will host more than 70 job resources for actors,
models and other industry titles. The resources include the top
regional casting directors, agencies, pageants, authors,
photographers, speakers, indie film companies, trade groups,
aesthetic companies and other employment agencies for actors,
like hospital simulators and period reenactments etc.
Bring your headshots/resumes and get a jump start on your
career with the top area professionals and also network with
your industry peers
The fee to attend is $20.00. (Cash Only No Checks or Credit Cards).
Pay at the door Only Arrive Early......Information Courtesy of Brian Drangonouk
Cheers! B.Rai~
Common vs. Maxwell
So while browsing through my emails it has come to my attention that both Common as well as Maxwill be in town Friday night. Now people this is just wrong was is a girl to do! lol! Well all that I can say is comfortable shoes here I come becuase it is going to be a very long night of clubbing. Hope to see you guys out this weekend!
Enjoy guys! Remember please please please do not drink and drive!
Cheers! B.Rai~
Cheers! B.Rai~
RE: My latest thrift store finds and more:)!
If you guys may recall I posted a dress earlier last month that I found at the thrift store. Well drum roll please I was able to find shoes to go with the dress. And would you believe it I found shoes right in my closet:D! What a money saver! Check out the pic below of how my outfit came together! Awe we are always so adorable! Hey Lil Ann!
So I just had to upload pics of some of my latest thrift store finds. I absolutely heart this dress below and I cannot wait to wear it. I found this dress at a thrift store in St. Louis, Mo this summer. Its really sheer so I have to find something to go underneath it. I love the way that the fabric feels against my skin.....soooooo sexy! I am looking for either some over the knee boots to go with this or either some lace up boots. I have also posted pics of those below as well!
Okay so both of these are by Dolce Vita the only thing is that the lace up boots would be purchased in Silver and not black!
Another one of my thrift store finds in which I found this jacket her at a thrift store in Laurel, MD! Now at first glance I too myself was like too flashy. But after I looked at it for a while I knew that something could be done with it. Check out the gold buttons and the material oooooooooooooooooooh shiny I luv it. Pair this with a long sleeve white ruffle shirt or maybe even a shirt that has a big bow on the front, some skinny jeans, and I am looking for some brown shoes with a sort of a wooden bottom and bang you have a outfit. Oh yes and the jacket came with shoulder pads but I could not bring myself to wear them lol!

So I just had to upload pics of some of my latest thrift store finds. I absolutely heart this dress below and I cannot wait to wear it. I found this dress at a thrift store in St. Louis, Mo this summer. Its really sheer so I have to find something to go underneath it. I love the way that the fabric feels against my skin.....soooooo sexy! I am looking for either some over the knee boots to go with this or either some lace up boots. I have also posted pics of those below as well!
Okay so both of these are by Dolce Vita the only thing is that the lace up boots would be purchased in Silver and not black!
Another one of my thrift store finds in which I found this jacket her at a thrift store in Laurel, MD! Now at first glance I too myself was like too flashy. But after I looked at it for a while I knew that something could be done with it. Check out the gold buttons and the material oooooooooooooooooooh shiny I luv it. Pair this with a long sleeve white ruffle shirt or maybe even a shirt that has a big bow on the front, some skinny jeans, and I am looking for some brown shoes with a sort of a wooden bottom and bang you have a outfit. Oh yes and the jacket came with shoulder pads but I could not bring myself to wear them lol!
Next up now no I did not find these at a thrift but heck they were cheap cheap cheap and you cannot pass up cheap! last month, I decided to go to Adams Morgan day in DC. For those of you that are not from this area, Adams Morgan is a trendy little area. With tons and tons of restaurants, shops, and bars. So every year they have what is called Adams Morgan day were you may find vendors, great food and live entertainment. I ran across a table that had tons and tons of bangles. Guys I am a sucka for Bangles, so out of the whole table I walked away we these two precious items. And guess what I only spent $20 bucks:D! Yes, I said $20 bucks:D!

I hope that you have enjoyed this posting!
Cheers! B.Rai~
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Hirshhorn After Hours!
A must see, please make sure that you check out the Big Man Exhibit by Hyperrealist sculptor, Ron Muec on the lower level. It is most definitely a must, the realness of his work is scary but you cant stop looking at it. Its feel like at any moment this huge man is going to jump up and start talking to you:D! loL!
Cheers! B.Rai!
Fashion For Hope!
October 18, 2009, Fashion For Hope will be putting on a Fashion show at the Westin Grand, 2350 M St NW, Washington DC at 5pm doors will open at 4pm.. Tickets are $25.00, available in advance or at the door. Please come out and show your support for both the cause and of course for me. Yes!Yes! Yes! I will be a model in the Fashion Show.
But, I have to say that I was quite disppointed to find out that out of the eight designers that I will only be in two scenes. The life of a plus size model! Anywho I will make sure that I work it so hard for my two scenes that it will feel like I was in all eight:D! So all, here is the link below please make sure that you come out to support a good cause:D!
Cheers! B.Rai~
But, I have to say that I was quite disppointed to find out that out of the eight designers that I will only be in two scenes. The life of a plus size model! Anywho I will make sure that I work it so hard for my two scenes that it will feel like I was in all eight:D! So all, here is the link below please make sure that you come out to support a good cause:D!
Cheers! B.Rai~
Everyone Needs A Little Tim Gunn In Their Life!
Tim Gunn will be in the Washington DC area at the Hirshhorn Museum speaking on Ann Truitt's art collection: Perception and Reflection. Now as a person that absolutely hearts fashion I have to admitt that I was quite shocked that I let this one slip by me. Tim Gunn as well as Isaac Mizrahi are both indeed now the creative officers of Liz Claiborne.
Finding my first piece at Marshalls this summer, a orange and pink cross body, detachable strap, cross weaved hand bag! I have been able to wear this bag both during the day and as a going out bag at night
Isn't it beautiful!.......................
At first I would not step dead in a Liz Claiborne store. Her pieces reminded me too much of something that either my grandmother would wear or my older sister ( which has a matching shawl to go with every outfit and a pair of pearls). I feel like a kid in a candy store lol! Because I knew that there was something extremely different about her pieces and her magazine ads i just did not know what it was. They were trendy, colorful, ubeat, playful and her clothes appealed to people of all ages. Thanks Tim and Issac you both have really done a good job! I am most definitely sold! Please see a couple of the new Liz Claiborne ads
Please see link below for Tim Gunn's discussion on the Anne Turitt: Perception and Reflection Collection at the Hirshhorn Muesum:
Admission is free. Tickets will be distributed on a first come basis starting at 5:45 pm in the lobby.
On the opening night of “Anne Truitt: Perception and Reflection,” join us for a discussion moderated by Tim Gunn, chief creative officer at Liz Claiborne and former student of Truitt’s. Artist Martin Puryear, filmmaker Jem Cohen, photographer John Gossage, and associate curator Kristen Hileman share their unique perspectives on Truitt’s career as artist, professor, and author. These friends and colleagues of the artist reflect upon her important contributions to 20th-century abstraction and the Washington, D.C. arts community. The exhibition will remain open until the panel discussion begins. Admission is free. Tickets for the talk will be distributed on a first-come basis starting at 5:45 p.m. in the lobby.
Cheers! B.Rai~
Finding my first piece at Marshalls this summer, a orange and pink cross body, detachable strap, cross weaved hand bag! I have been able to wear this bag both during the day and as a going out bag at night
Isn't it beautiful!.......................
At first I would not step dead in a Liz Claiborne store. Her pieces reminded me too much of something that either my grandmother would wear or my older sister ( which has a matching shawl to go with every outfit and a pair of pearls). I feel like a kid in a candy store lol! Because I knew that there was something extremely different about her pieces and her magazine ads i just did not know what it was. They were trendy, colorful, ubeat, playful and her clothes appealed to people of all ages. Thanks Tim and Issac you both have really done a good job! I am most definitely sold! Please see a couple of the new Liz Claiborne ads
Please see link below for Tim Gunn's discussion on the Anne Turitt: Perception and Reflection Collection at the Hirshhorn Muesum:
Admission is free. Tickets will be distributed on a first come basis starting at 5:45 pm in the lobby.
On the opening night of “Anne Truitt: Perception and Reflection,” join us for a discussion moderated by Tim Gunn, chief creative officer at Liz Claiborne and former student of Truitt’s. Artist Martin Puryear, filmmaker Jem Cohen, photographer John Gossage, and associate curator Kristen Hileman share their unique perspectives on Truitt’s career as artist, professor, and author. These friends and colleagues of the artist reflect upon her important contributions to 20th-century abstraction and the Washington, D.C. arts community. The exhibition will remain open until the panel discussion begins. Admission is free. Tickets for the talk will be distributed on a first-come basis starting at 5:45 p.m. in the lobby.
Cheers! B.Rai~
Monday, September 28, 2009
Kanye West the Butt of All Jokes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Poor Kanye! Just another case of folks not thinking before they speak. Kanye jokes are circulating everywhere. The other day I hear my phone buzzing that I have a text message. I got so excited because it was from one of my dear girlfriends that's soooooooooooo freakin hard to keep up with. I mean between working two jobs and being a single mom its rare that we actually get a chance to hold a conversation. So with excitement I click on the text thinking that it was something important! But nope it was another dang Kanye/ Taylor Swift wise crack ..........and it went something like this " Kanye West just interrupted Patrick Swayze's funeral to let everyone know that Michael Jacksons funeral was better." I have to admit that I thought that it was quite hilarious and then it dawned on me that my girlfriend actually had time to send a Kanye West wise crack yet I had not had a full conversation with her in well over two months. Ne who the Kanye Cracks does not end there while browsing the internet I ran across this one and guys I had to share it! You have to admit people are funny! Never let anyone tell you that they are to busy because folks have time for what they would like to have time for! Yep thats right guys, things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
My very first post!
Hello all I am so excited because this is my very first post. Now I know that this blogging thing will take some work but that's fine I am up too it. So here it is! I ran across this YouTube video on one of my FB friends page and I have to say I could not resist posting this. This guy is too hilarious and I guess that the spirit really got deep down inside his bones. Now this is really something that makes you go hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! I am really wondering what his first thoughts were after seeing this video of himself LMAO! This had to have been one of his WTF! was I thinking moments! lol! Bless his heart, So here you go Mr. Johnson goes to church! And no his name ain't Mr. Johnson but I have to say dang on it he looks like it:D! Enjoy it here ya go! Oooooh! Ooooooooh! Ooooooooh! wait one more thing check out the lady in the pink shirt as Mr. Johnson dives in front of her as he begins to do the centipede! lol! Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
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